Inspiring Education & Health at Life Skills Italia

Inspiring Education & Health at Life Skills Italia

Six Seconds’ model engages people in focusing first on strengths and talents… to change patterns when needed. In this interview with the team at Life Skills Italia, we see how EQ can be woven into education and life to support young people to thrive. Why...
Inspiring Education & Health at Life Skills Italia

Jim & Lynette, Spirit of EQ

I was coaching a professional engineer who makes a good deal of money. He was working flipping houses, working long hours, very focused on his work. He has a younger wife and two young children. We were trying to figure out why he was so sad despite having so much...
Intervista con Daniel Goleman

Intervista con Daniel Goleman

L’intervista rilasciata in esclusiva a Six Seconds dal dott. Daniel Goleman. Insieme riflettiamo sulle applicazioni dell’Intelligenza Emotiva nella nostra vita quotidiana, nel lavoro e nella scuola. Buona lettura! INTELLIGENZA EMOTIVA con il dott. Daniel...